OSIsoft PI-System system administrator/ Support Engineer
Thousand Oaks, CA
• System administrator/ Support Engineer in OSIsoft PI-System.
• Excellent technical knowledge of OSIsoft
• PI-System: OSIsoft PI developments & implementation. E.g. PI Server, PI Asset Framework (PI AF),
• PI Notifications, PI Analytics, PI High Availability, Interfaces- PIBAGen, Modbus, OPC, RDBMS, PI to PI, HTML, Perf Mon, PIUniversal File Loader (UFL) etc.
• PI RtReports, PI Batch interface, PI Event Frames, PI EMDVB interface
• PI Vision, PI Manual Logger,
• PI Processbook, PI Datalink, PI Alarmview
• Good technical knowledge of networks and related hardware and software.
• Ability to follow ITIL Process such as Service request, Incident, change Management, Problem Management etc.
• Ability to train users on PI Client tools
• Pharma/Life Science domain Knowledge, GxP documentation will be preferable